What is Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

Once upon a time, the word occupation was well understood as anything that occupies an individual’s time. Today, we use the word primarily to mean a career or job, which has caused tremendous confusion for the profession, especially for Pediatric therapy!

Essentially, Occupational Therapists (OT) are experts in daily function and are trained to be exceptionally creative problem solvers! We have specialized education to support mental health, physical, sensory, cognitive functioning, and more. We are a holistic, relationship-based profession, which means we work with you and your child.

Pediatric OT’s often have special training in sensory processing, fine and gross motor skills, visual processing, executive function skills, eating, sleeping, and toileting challenges, amongst other areas. When working with parents, we focus on providing support through education and collaborative strategies. When working directly with children, we focus on play! 

PLAY is the number one childhood occupation, and how a child learns best! While adults often learn through reading and listening, children learn best through experiences that are fun and engaging. Much of the time, Pediatric OT will look like fun, games, and silliness, but OT’s constantly assess, adapt, and strategize about how to challenge your child just enough that they are learning and building their skills without shutting down, running away, or becoming dysregulated. This level of balance requires skill and trust from you and your child, but when connection is prioritized, creativity flourishes, and confidence is built!